You’re the end and the beginning of everything. You are what I never had expected.
I never expected you to come into my life, someone who has totally bewitched me.
You took my heart, you took my soul and I gave it to you voluntarily.
I can’t stop my heart from beating whenever I’m near you.
I can’t concentrate, I can’t even keep my mouth closed.
My eyes search for you and whenever you’re there I can’t keep ‚em off you.
I love how your eyes shine when you smile, I love this spark in you,
the sound of your voice, the loosened happiness in your laughter.
Back then when we were closer there was nothing I could fear, nothing but losing you.
Now I did. I don’t know where to start again.
How to ever feel free and accepted and taken on, how to ever love again?
Will I ever, will I ever feel such deep emotions for anybody else again?
I’m lost in confusement like I was lost in your eyes, I feel hollow the way I felt fulfilled with you.
I’m all alone now, I can’t bear to believe that our connection is cut, has totally been cut down.
I still believe in us, I still love you like I’ve loved you from the start and I will keep on devote myself to you, forever.